Carlie Seelig Miller | Sirius Dog Training

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Carlie Seelig Miller

Carlie Seelig and her two dogs

Carlie has always loved dogs. As a child, she often dreamed of having the ability to speak with animals. When finally able to have a dog of her own, Carlie discovered that dog training is the incredibly fun and essential way to do just that. As a long-time student of SIRIUS puppy classes herself, Carlie understands what it’s like to try to learn while simultaneously juggling the puppy-cuteness factor, and the you-better-not-chew-my-shoes-poop-there-or-steal-my-breakfast challenges that arise daily when living with a beloved canine family member.

Initially launching her professional dog training career as an apprentice and assistant to a top Bay Area dog trainer, Carlie delights in perpetual learning and constantly strives to expand her own understanding of canine behavior and dog training skills through academic as well as hands-on educational experiences. Her degree in psychology from UCLA, as well as many years as a classroom teacher, prepared Carlie to be a skilled and entertaining SIRIUS class instructor. She is committed to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to learn how to communicate effectively with your canine companions and build successful, life-long relationships.

Carlie also treasures training her own two dogs, Tawny and Soda Pop, and competing at AKC events and NCSWA Nose Work trials, as well as volunteering at the SF SPCA.

(415) 943-3647

For all enrollment, transfer, and refund questions: Please contact our main office at (800) 419-8748 or

Available classes

Class info Location Day Time Start Sign Up
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Mar 24
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Mar 24
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Mar 31
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Mar 31
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Apr 7
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Apr 7
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Apr 14
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Apr 14
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Apr 21
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Apr 21
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Apr 28
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Apr 28
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm May 5
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm May 5
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm May 12
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm May 12
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm May 19
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm May 19
Puppy I San Francisco Monday 6:00pm Jun 2
Puppy II San Francisco Monday 7:00pm Jun 2